Apico Post-Op Instructions

We wish to provide you with the utmost quality of care and extend every effort to satisfy you with every aspect of your treatment. If any problems should arise, please let us know how we can help. Here are the Post-Op instructions that will be given to you after your treatment. 

1- Swelling, minor pain, and/or skin discoloration may be experienced following the surgical procedure. This will be temporary.

2- In order to keep the swelling to a minimum use an ice pack for the first 2 hours (on 10 minutes and off for 5 minutes). Starting tomorrow if you have swelling, use moist heat – not a heating pad. Wet a wash cloth with hot water and twist our the excess, apply to face (10 minutes on and 5 minutes off). The water should not be so hot that it burns your skin.

3- The day after surgery use a warm salt-water rinse in the treated area following each meal. Use 1/2 tsp. salt to 8ox. warm water; warm enough to dissolve the salt but not hot enough to burn the mouth. This should continue for the first few days following the surgical procedure.

4- Eat only soft foods, avoid hard and chewy foods.

5- Get plenty of rest and insure normal intake of food, especially liquids such as fruit juices, soup and milk. Use a vitamin supplement if desired. Do not sleep on the operated area for 2-3 days.

6- DO NOT raise lip with fingers to inspect treated area.

7- DO NOT brush the teeth near the surgical site. Brush teeth in the rest of the mouth. You make use a wet Q-Tip in the surgical area to remove any plaque buildup on the tooth. Do no floss the surgical area.

8- There is often a temporary loss of feeling in the operated area and the tooth may feel loose.

9- Take prescribed medication’s according to the instructions.

10- Should any difficulties occur, do no hesitate to call our office or the doctor’s cell phone number at any time. In case of an extreme emergency, call 911.

